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    THIS IS A CALL FOR UNITY and solidarity with indigenous peoples, to end genocide and ecocide in the Amazon
    On March 26 we released our new single “Amazonia”. We wrote this song because we feel heartbroken to see the last ancient forest on earth disappearing before our eyes. If it continues at this rate, there will be no more Amazon forest in 15 years. We decided to do something to help the situation. We chose to make a donation and organize an auction to raise money around this release. We want to be vocal about it, raise awareness and start a movement with the help of our brothers and sisters from the metal / rock scene. 
    Since the dramatic increase of criminal fires and deforestation in the Amazon in 2019, we have been doing extensive research and speaking with some of the fiercest activists in the United States, France and Brazil.  We’ve asked for their opinions their opinion and guidance on how to help with the conservation and reforestation of the Amazon rainforest. We quickly understood that the only way to protect the forest is to ensure the survival of its indigenous inhabitants. 
    Farmlands are taking over the forest at an incredible pace. The current Brazilian government is aggravating the situation. Attacks on indigenous peoples and general violence against them has been increasing at an alarming rate.  Harassment, murder, criminal fires on indigenous land… is what’s happening right now.

    We have a responsibility:  Europe and America are Brazil’s largest markets for consumer goods and raw materials. Our consumer behavior thus helped trigger the situation in Amazonia and is providing incentives for the burning of the rainforest. 
    The impact of the destruction of the Amazon and its biodiversity can hardly be estimated. It is an irreparable loss for humankind! 
    The pressure on the Amazon and the (indigenous) peoples living there is growing steadily.
    Insightful short documentary on the subject :
    We spoke with the famous Sonia Guajajara, leader of the Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil (Brazil’s Indigenous People Articulation or "APIB"), an organization that represents around 300 indigenous ethnic groups in Brazil and is known as the biggest indigenous owned NGO of the Amazon. We decided to collaborate with Sonia, APIB and many other indigenous leaders to amplify their call for solidarity and support, and orchestrate a movement amongst the music community. We are a community, a clan. Fellow musicians, music lovers, managers, booking agents, fans! Please help us spread this message!
    We have the power to make a change. If we act together, we can make a stir and raise money that will empower the guardians of the forest in these critical times and allow us to participate in a plan to contribute in something important for the future of our planet. We will follow up to show tangible results of this operation.
    We’ve already made a first donation of $5,000 to the Guarani-Kaiowa community to help finance the construction of 15 “healing houses” to ensure the birthright and health of its people already one “healing house” has been financed so far and hoping to fund many more. This initiative will continue to be financed under the umbrella of the auction for APIB. Other projects will be financed through APIB once these healing houses are built 
    Thank you in advance for your contribution! Much love and respect
    Joe, Mario, Christian and Jean-Michel